・初夏奈良公園內也有初生小鹿,請勿靠近小鹿,避免受到母鹿攻擊,並且禁止觸 摸小鹿,因為沾上人類味道的小鹿,可能會被母鹿棄養。感謝您的協助。 ・奈良公園內的鹿為國家天然記念物,全是野生動物,請勿刻意驚嚇鹿或拿鹿煎餅 戲弄鹿,以免被鹿反擊。除了鹿煎餅以外,請勿餵食人類食物。為避免鹿誤食塑膠 袋等垃圾,奈良公園內沒有垃圾桶,垃圾敬請帶走自行處理。
■Protecting Nara’s Deer
Unlike most deer in Japan, Nara’s deer live unusually close to humans. Because of this, it is necessary for us to exercise great caution in how we interact with the deer, in order to continue to coexisting peacefully with the deer of Nara Park. Please keep the following in mind as you make your visit to Nara.
The deer cannot digest human food: please do not give it to them. Please be especially careful not to leaving behind plastic bags or other trash, as they may endanger the lives of deer upon accidental ingestion. To prevent this, trash cans are located throughout Nara Park. Please dispose of your trash properly in the bins, or carry it home with you.