Experience Nara Time in Japan

NARA Travelers Guide

Experience Nara Time in Japan

Visit Nagato Yamaguchi Japan


Shiga Naoya Former House 【しがなおやきゅうきょ】

A completely restored residence designed by Naoya Shiga, a famous Japanese literary figure. You can visit the cafeteria where artists gathered and the study where the book "A Dark Night's Passing" was completed.

Basic Information

Address 1237-2 Takabatake-cho, Nara City
Access 10 minutes by city loop bus (clockwise) from JR or Kintetsu Nara Stations, get off at Wariishi-cho bus stop, and walk for 5 minutes to the former house.
Inquiries 0742-26-6490 (志賀直哉旧居)
Website 志賀直哉旧居公式ホームページhttp://www.naragakuen.jp/sgnoy/index.html
Closed on Near Year's holiday: December 28 - January 5
Parking None

Entrance Fee

Price (Individual) Adults and high school students: 350 yen
Junior high school students: 200 yen
Elementary school children: 100 yen
Price (Group) Group rates available for groups of 30 or more
Hours of Operation 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. *December - February until 4:30 p.m.
The last admission is 30 minutes before closing.


Flower-Viewing 千両・万両・アオキ・梅・南天 1月~3月
椿・桜・アセビ 3月~4月
ツツジ・菖蒲 4月~5月


Area Information

Nearby Locations

Irie Taikichi Memorial Museum of Photography Nara City

600-1 Takabatake-cho, Nara 630-8301

Fukū-in Temple

Takabatake-cho 1365, Nara City 630-8301

Nearby Accommodation

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