Experience Nara Time in Japan

NARA Travelers Guide

Experience Nara Time in Japan

Visit Nagato Yamaguchi Japan

Nara Okuyama Driveway – Toll road leading to the summit of Mt. Wakakusa

Nara Okuyama Driveway – Toll road leading to the summit of Mt. Wakakusa

The Nara Okuyama Driveway is a toll road of about 12km that connects Mt. Wakakusa, Mt. Kasuga, and Mt. Takamado. From the road, you can enjoy a variety of scenery, such as the view of Nara City, primeval forests, and Uguisu Falls. In particular, the sunset and night view (one of the New Japan's top three night views) seen from the summit of Mt. Wakakusa are spectacular.

Basic Information

Address Zoushi-cho - Byakugoji-cho, Nara City
Inquiries 0742-26-7213 (新若草山自動車道株式会社)
Website 奈良奥山ドライブウェイ公式ウェブサイトhttps://shinwaka.com/
Parking A free parking lot is available at the summit of Mt. Wakakusa.

Entrance Fee

Other ・奈良奥山ドライブコース(13km)・新若草山ドライブコース(7.4km)・高円山ドライブコース(10.6km)


Area Information

Nearby Locations

Mount Kasuga Primeval Forest

Kasugano-cho, Nara

Japanese restaurant Washoku Kikusui

1130 Takabatake-cho, Nara City

Yoshiki-en Garden

60-1 Noborioji-cho, Nara 630-8213

Traditional Kamameshi Restaurant Shizuka Kouen Ten

59 Noborioji-cho Nara

Nearby Accommodation

Noborioji Hotel Nara

40-1 Noborioji-cho, Nara-city, Nara



Hotel Obana

〒630-8301 奈良市高畑町1110


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